Chapter – 3
Public Nutrition and Health
In this post we have given the detailed notes of class 12 Home Science Chapter 3 (Public Nutrition and Health) in English. These notes are useful for the students who are going to appear in class 12 board exams.
Board | CBSE Board, UP Board, JAC Board, Bihar Board, HBSE Board, UBSE Board, PSEB Board, RBSE Board |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 12 |
Subject | Home Science |
Chapter no. | Chapter 3 |
Chapter Name | (Public Nutrition and Health) |
Category | Class 12 Home Science Notes in English |
Medium | English |
Class 12 Home Science Chapter 3 Public Nutrition and Health in English
Explore the topics
Chapter 3: Public Nutrition and Health
- Public health is about what society does collectively to ensure the conditions in which people can be healthy.
- Public health nutrition focuses on preventing both undernutrition and overnutrition to maintain the population’s overall health.
Significance of Public Nutrition
- Malnutrition is a leading cause of death in children under five.
- India faces a double burden of malnutrition:
- Undernutrition: low birth weight, growth retardation, micronutrient deficiencies.
- Overnutrition: overweight, obesity, and related diseases like hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.
- This double burden poses challenges for public health.
What is Public Health Nutrition?
- Public health nutrition promotes good health and prevents nutrition-related illnesses in the population.
- It uses multidisciplinary approaches to solve nutritional problems in communities, especially among vulnerable groups.
- Public health nutritionists identify, analyse, and plan strategies to address nutritional problems, considering various factors.
Factors Related to Nutritional Problems
- Nutritional problems are linked to various factors, including poverty, lack of access to basic amenities, and government policies.
- These factors interact in complex ways to influence the nutritional status of individuals and communities.
Nutritional Problems in India
- Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM):
- Caused by inadequate intake of energy and protein.
- Affects children, the elderly, and individuals with certain diseases.
- Assessed by evaluating anthropometric measurements.
- Micronutrient Deficiencies:
- “Hidden hunger” refers to micronutrient deficiencies.
- Iron, vitamin A, iodine, and zinc deficiencies are major concerns.
- Lead to various health problems, including anemia, blindness, and impaired cognitive development.
Strategies to Tackle Nutritional Problems
- Diet or Food-Based Strategies:
- Use food to overcome nutritional deficiencies.
- Include dietary diversification, home gardening, nutrition education, and food fortification.
- Sustainable, cost-effective, and adaptable to different cultural traditions.
- Nutrient-Based or Medicinal Approach:
- Provide nutrient supplements to vulnerable groups.
- Short-term strategy used for specific nutrient deficiencies.
- Can be expensive and may have coverage limitations.
Nutrition Programs in India
- Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS): Provides food, preschool education, and primary healthcare to children under six and pregnant and lactating mothers.
- Nutrient Deficiency Control Programs: Address deficiencies of vitamin A, iron, and iodine.
- Food Supplementation Programs: Mid-Day Meal Programme provides free lunch to school children.
- Food Security Programs: Public Distribution System, Antodaya Anna Yojana, Annapurna Scheme.
- Self-employment and Wage Employment Schemes: Social safety net programs.
Health Care in India
- Health care is provided at three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
- Primary Health Centres (PHCs) provide the first level of contact with the health system.
- District hospitals and community health Centres provide secondary level care.
- Medical college hospitals, regional hospitals, and specialized hospitals provide tertiary level care.
Role of a Public Nutritionist
- A public nutritionist promotes good health and prevents nutrition-related illnesses in the community.
- They have expertise in nutritional science, assessment, education, and program management.
- Career opportunities for public nutritionists exist in various settings, including hospitals, government programs, NGOs, and research institutions.
Key Terms
- Nutritional status: This refers to the state of your body regarding nutrients. It’s like a report card for how well you’re eating.
- Undernutrition: This is when your body doesn’t get enough nutrients. It’s like your car running out of gas.
- Malnutrition: This is a broader term that includes both undernutrition and overnutrition. It means your body is not getting the right balance of nutrients.
- Public health: This is the science of protecting and improving the health of entire populations. It’s like a doctor for a whole city.
- Public nutrition: This focuses on improving the health of populations through the prevention of nutrition-related illnesses. It’s like a dietician for a whole country.
- Nutrition programmes: These are organized efforts to improve the nutritional status of populations. They can include things like food supplementation, nutrition education, and food fortification.
- Community health: This focuses on the health of a specific group of people who share common characteristics, like a neighbourhood or a school. It’s like a doctor for a close-knit community.
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